Sentrient Blog

The Duty of a Supervisor and Manager to Eliminate Workplace Bullying in The Workplace

What Is Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying is defined as repeated unreasonable behaviour by an individual or a group of individuals towards a worker, or group of which the worker is a member, and that behaviour creates a risk to health and safety.

Examples Of Workplace Bullying

Examples of workplace bullying include physical abuse, verbal abuse, cyberbullying, inappropriate management action, and covert bullying.

Workplace Bullying and The Law

Workplace bullying is a serious issue and will not be tolerated by organisations that have a safe, inclusive, and respectful workplace culture. If an employee, contractor, or volunteer is found to have engaged in workplace bullying, it may be treated as misconduct, and in very serious cases, workplace bullying can be considered a criminal offence. Laws protect the rights of individuals to ensure a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace. Behaviour that is workplace bullying will lead to potential disciplinary action being taken, up to and including termination of employment. These laws apply to all workplaces in Australia, regardless of their size. They protect employees, contractors, volunteers, customers, and visitors.

The Duty of a Supervisor and Manager to Eliminate Workplace Bullying in The Workplace

It is the responsibility of every person to act professionally and create a workplace that does not tolerate workplace bullying.

Employers will be vicariously liable for acts of workplace bullying carried out by their workers or agents unless they can show that they have taken reasonable precautions to prevent the conduct from occurring and have responded appropriately to resolve incidents of workplace bullying.

As a supervisor or manager, you also have a duty to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate workplace bullying from occurring as far as possible. This is a requirement by law and will enable a workplace that is safe, inclusive, and respectful.

Like To Learn More?

To find out more about the responsibilities of a supervisor and manager when it comes to preventing and responding to workplace bullying, please refer to the Sentrient series of online compliance courses for supervisors and managers.

To Get a Free Demonstration of The Supervisors and Managers Suite of Online Compliance Courses, please get in touch with Us Today!