Sentrient Blog

What Are Examples Of Age-Based Harassment In The Workplace

Age-based harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that can have a detrimental effect on an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. It can also create a hostile work environment for others and negatively impact a company’s productivity and bottom line. 

Examples of age-based harassment in the workplace include: 

It’s important to note that age-based harassment can happen to both older and younger employees. 

Employers have a legal obligation to prevent and address age-based harassment in the workplace. They should establish a zero-tolerance policy and provide regular training to all employees on what constitutes age-based harassment and how to report it. Employees who experience or witness age-based harassment should report it to their supervisor or human resources department immediately.

In conclusion, age-based harassment is a serious issue that can have adverse effects on employees and the workplace. Employers need to take steps to prevent and address it and for employees to speak up if they experience or witness it.