What Are Examples Of Age Discrimination In The Workplace?
Age-Based Harassment
January 1st , 2024

What Are Examples Of Age Discrimination In The Workplace?

Age discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that affects mostly older workers. It occurs when an employer treats an employee differently based on their age. It can take many forms and can happen at any stage of employment, from hiring to firing. Here are some examples of age discrimination in the workplace: 

  • Hiring discrimination: An employer refuses to hire an older candidate for a job, even though they are qualified for the position. 
  • Promotion discrimination: An older employee is passed over for a promotion in favour of a younger candidate, even though the older employee is more qualified. 
  • Salary discrimination: An older employee is paid less than a younger employee who has the same job and qualifications. 
  • Harassment: An older employee is subjected to age-related comments, jokes or harassment by their colleagues or superiors. 
  • Forced Retirement: An employer forces an older employee to retire, even though they are still able and willing to work. 
  • Training discrimination: An employer refuses to provide training opportunities to older employees, which can limit their ability to advance in their careers. 

It’s important to note that age discrimination is illegal and prohibited by federal and state laws. Employees who believe they have been the victim of age discrimination can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or their state authority. Employers are also encouraged to create policies and procedures to prevent age discrimination in the workplace and promote age diversity in hiring and promotion.