Legally Endorsed

Free Online Working From Home Awareness Training Course

This 15 minute online working from home course provides practical ways to ensure your health and safety, productivity and mindset when working from home.

Working From Home Awareness Training Course

Australia and New Zealand

It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure a healthy, safe and productive workplace when working from home.

Did you know?

Did you know these facts about working from home?

  • More than two-thirds of people around the world work away from the office once every week.
  • 70% of professionals work remotely – what is known as telecommuting – at least one day a week.
  • The digital world is the biggest driver to a workforce that is spending more time working from home than ever before.
Course overview

Course Overview

This online awareness course on working from home will help employees, contractors and volunteers who are preparing to work from home for the first time or who already work from home as part of their regular working week. It provides practical ways to ensure health and safety, productivity and a positive mindset when working from home.

This working-from-home course is suitable for all employees, contractors and volunteers and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. At the end of the course, learners do a short assessment to check their understanding, followed by a declaration to confirm their responsibility to contribute to a healthy and safe workplace when working from home.

Target audience

Course Target audience

This course is suitable for all people or groups in Australian workplaces, including employees, contractors and volunteers.

Topics covered

Topics covered

The following topics are covered in this working remotely course:

  • Working from home
  • Key considerations when working from home
  • Risks and hazards associated with working from home
  • Report hazards, risks and incidents when working from home
  • Demonstrate methods for maintaining productivity, motivation and a positive mindset
Course duration


This course will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Learner experience

Learner experience

This online awareness course for working safely at home is simple to navigate, easy to understand and will accommodate all learning styles. During this safe working from-home training, learners will undertake case studies and learning activities to reinforce practical ways to ensure health and safety, productivity and a positive mindset. At the end of this working-from-home course, there is a short online assessment. There is also a declaration that everyone understands that it is their responsibility to contribute to a healthy, safe and productive workplace when working from home.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

At the end of this awareness course for safe working from home, your employees, contractors and volunteers will be able to:

  • Define safe working from home
  • Identify key considerations when working from home
  • Identify risks and hazards associated with working from home
  • Report hazards, risks and incidents when working from home
  • Demonstrate methods for maintaining productivity, motivation and a positive mindset
Business outcomes

Business outcomes

Once your people have completed this online safe working remotely and alone course, you will achieve the following benefits:

  • Increased productivity when staff are working from home.
  • Reduced risk for incidents when working remotely and from home.
  • Increased staff morale through more flexible working arrangements.
  • Increased reputation by being recognised as providing a safe, healthy, and flexible workplace.

To Get a FREE Demonstration of The Online Working From Home Training Course, Please get in touch with Us Today!

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