Legally Endorsed

Defensive Driving Course

This 15-minute online defensive driving course provides guidelines on safe driving and encourages everyone to take road safety seriously.

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    Defensive Driving Online Training Course

    Australia & New Zealand

    “Being a safe driver means being alert, obeying the traffic laws, always driving to the conditions of the road environment, respecting the rights of other drivers, and being ready to act at any time.”

    Did you know?

    Did you know these facts about defensive driving?

    According to the World Health Organization:

    • Approximately 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes
    • Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury
    • More than half of all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
    • Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5-29 years
    • 93% of the world’s fatalities on the roads occur in low- and middle-income countries, even though these countries have approximately 60% of the world’s vehicles.
    • Road traffic crashes cost most countries 3% of their gross domestic product.
    Course overview

    Course Overview

    This online course on defensive driving will help employees, contractors, and volunteers drive safely and encourage everyone to take road safety seriously. It deals with driving at work and connecting with the workplace. It also acts as a reminder of safe behaviours while driving outside of work and reminds everyone of the role we all play in keeping ourselves and others safe on the road.

    This online driver safety course is awareness training that is suitable for global audiences including but not limited to Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, Canada, UK and South Africa.

    Target audience

    Target audience

    This driver safety training is suitable for all people or groups, including employees, contractors and volunteers.

    Topics covered

    Topics covered

    The following topics are covered in this defensive-driving online learning:

    • Defensive driving explained
    • Main causes of deaths and injuries on the road
    • Guidelines for Defensive Driving
    • Responsibilities for defensive driving
    • Know what to do if there is an accident
    • The role we all play in road safety
    Course duration


    This defensive driving eLearning course will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

    Learner experience

    Learner experience

    This online course for defensive driving is simple to navigate, easy to understand and will accommodate all learning styles. It can be delivered through the Sentrient online workplace compliance system or human resource management platform or via your existing learning management system if you already have one. During this driver safety training, learners will undertake case studies and learning activities to reinforce practical ways to ensure they understand safe driving and that they take road safety seriously. At the end of this safe driving course, there is a short online assessment. There is also a declaration that everyone will drive safely at work and in connection with the workplace and take road safety seriously.

    Learning outcomes

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of this course for defensive driving at work, your employees, contractors and volunteers will be able to:

    • Understand the importance of defensive driving
    • Be aware of the main causes of accidents and how to avoid them
    • Practise defensive driving before, during and after driving
    • Understand the defensive driving responsibilities of individuals and employers
    • Know what to do in the event of an accident.
    • Recognise that we all have a role to play in keeping ourselves and others safe.
    Business outcomes

    Business outcomes

    Once your people have completed this online driver safety course, you will achieve the following benefits:

    • Increase awareness for defensive driving
    • Reduce the risk of accidents on the road
    • Minimise the chance of serious injuries and fatalities on the road
    • Reduce insurance premiums and workers’ compensation claims
    • Ensure a defensive driving culture at work and in connection with the workplace
    • Enable a healthy and safe workplace

    Other related online work health and safety courses

    The alcohol and drugs in the workplace training can be completed as stand-alone eLearning, or it can be rolled out with other Sentrient online workplace compliance training at induction and as regular refresher training. Other related compliance and code of conduct courses by Sentrient include alcohol and drugs at work and work health and safety.

    To get a FREE demonstration of the defensive driving training course,
    please get in touch with us today!
    Keep Your Workplace
    Safe and Compliant.

    We have taken the pain out of compliance for over 500 businesses across Australia and New Zealand. Get started with a free demo of our defensive driving training course today!

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