Human Resource Policies and Procedures Templates
Online HR policy templates to support your workplace relations and safety program.
Online HR Policy Templates
Australia and New Zealand
The Sentrient online human resource management policy templates support small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia and New Zealand with their workplace relations and safety program. The online workplace compliance policies include anti-bullying and harassment, cybersecurity, internet and social media, equal employment opportunity, health and wellbeing, infection prevention and control, work health and safety, working from home, and more. These online HR management policies and procedures can be adapted to meet the specific needs of your organisation.
They can also be compiled to form an HR policy and procedure manual and employment guidelines for your business. You can change as little or as much of the HR policy templates as you like. Some sections of the content may be governed by state and federal legislation. It is important that you seek your own human resources and legal advice and that you maintain these HR policies as legislation changes and to meet the human resource management requirements of your organisation.
The Importance of HR Management Policies and Procedures
Regardless of the size of your business or industry sector, HR management policies and procedures are an essential part of your workplace relations and safety program. Policies are important because they address key areas of HR and workplace governance, risk and compliance. Organisational policies and procedures help you set and maintain standards, drive accountability, ensure consistent decision-making, and let people know where to go for help if they need it. Unfortunately, many businesses do not have a reliable HR manual in place to help guide the right workplace behaviours.
This reduces the likelihood of staff being able to identify, report and resolve breaches in safety, invasion of privacy, and workplace incidents such as bullying, harassment and discrimination. Furthermore, it is required by law to provide HR policies and procedures to your staff. You must be able to demonstrate that everyone has read and understood your workplace policies at induction and on a regular basis thereafter. Failure to do so can lead to significant claims for legal liability, lost time spent in investigations and legal proceedings, a slide in revenue and shareholder return, and irreparable reputational damage.
Human resource management policy templates
The human resource management policy templates can be used as standalone policies or combined to make an employee policy handbook… Each workplace policy can be adapted to meet the specific needs of your organisation. You can change as little or as much of the human resources manual templates as you like. Some sections may be governed by state and federal legislation. It is important that you seek your own HR or legal advice and that you maintain your version of the policy templates as legislation changes to ensure a consistent message from HR.
List of Sentrient HR policy and procedure templates
Alcohol and Drugs Policy Template
This alcohol and drugs HR policy template outlines a zero-tolerance for the use of illicit drugs or attending work under the influence of alcohol and promotes work health and safety.
Anti-Bullying Policy Template
This anti-bullying HR policy template outlines a zero-tolerance for behaviours that constitute workplace bullying and promotes a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace.
Anti-Harassment Policy Template
This anti-harassment HR policy template outlines zero tolerance for behaviours that constitute sexual harassment and promotes a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace.
Attendance and Absenteeism Policy Template
This attendance and absenteeism HR policy template outlines how absences, late arrivals, and early departures from work are handled by staff and managers in the workplace.
Child Safety Policy Template
This child safety HR policy template outlines the approach we take to ensure that all children, young people and vulnerable adults are safe and how we protect their rights.
Code of Conduct Policy Template
This code of conduct HR policy template outlines the standards of behaviour expected in the workplace, including honesty and integrity, as well as ethical and professional standards.
Company Property Policy Template
This company property HR policy template outlines the appropriate use of company property, including all items and materials that can be accessed and used by staff.
Conflict of Interest Policy Template
This conflict of interest HR policy template outlines what a conflict of interest in the workplace is and promotes decision-making that is for the betterment of the business.
COVID-19 Response Policy Template
This COVID-19 response HR policy template outlines things that we can do to mitigate unnecessary risks associated with living and working through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cultural Diversity Policy Template
This cultural diversity HR policy template outlines how we promote workplace diversity and how we embrace cultural diversity to increase engagement and build trust.
Cyber Security Policy Template
This cybersecurity HR policy template outlines how to protect networks, devices, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorised access and promotes a cybersecurity culture.
Data Breach Response Policy Template
This data breach response HR policy template outlines what to do if a data breach happens and when personal information is accessed or disclosed without authorisation or is lost.
Domestic and Family Violence Policy Template
This domestic and family violence HR policy template outlines a zero-tolerance for domestic and family violence and promotes a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace.
Dress Code Policy Template
This dress code HR policy template outlines what an appropriate dress is in the workplace or when attending activities or events in connection with the workplace.
Environmental Policy Template
This environmental HR policy template outlines the organisation’s overall environmental performance and its environmental position and values.
Ergonomics Policy Template
This office ergonomics HR policy template outlines appropriate workstation design and ergonomics in the workplace and includes an ergonomics assessment checklist.
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Template
This EEO HR policy template outlines a zero-tolerance for behaviours that constitute discrimination or victimisation and promotes a safe, inclusive and respectful workplace.
Expense Claim Policy Template
This general expense claim HR policy template outlines how to seek reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred when performing approved work duties.
First Aid Policy Template
This first aid HR policy template outlines what is required to administer first aid if an injury, sudden illness or medical emergency occurs in the workplace or when working remotely.
Grievance Handling Policy Template
This grievance handling HR policy template outlines the process for a grievance to be heard, avoids conflicts, and promotes a supportive and pleasant workplace for everyone.
Hand Hygiene Policy Template
This hand hygiene HR policy template outlines hand hygiene best practices and reinforces our participation in the national hand hygiene initiative and hand hygiene compliance.
Health and Wellbeing Policy Template
This health and wellbeing HR policy template provides a clear and positive statement underlying the value the organisation places on health and wellbeing.
Internet and Social Media Policy Template
This IT, internet, email, and social media HR policy template outlines appropriate behaviour when using the internet, email and social media in or associated with the workplace.
Infection Prevention and Control Policy Template
This infection prevention and control HR policy template outlines what is required to minimise the risk of infection and to control the spread of infection in the workplace.
Intellectual Property Policy Template
This intellectual property HR policy template outlines how we use, generate, acquire, disclose and manage intellectual property associated with the workplace.
Leave Policy Template
This HR policy template outlines the range and conditions of different types of leave, including annual leave, personal/carers leave, and other forms of leave that are available.
LGBTIQ Inclusion Policy Template
This lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer and questioning HR policy template outlines how to promote a safe, LBTIQ inclusive and respectful workplace.
Manual Handling Policy Template
This manual handling HR policy template outlines the measures that should be taken to ensure safe lifting and carrying and for manual handling activities in the workplace.
Managing Remote Teams Policy Template
This remote team management HR policy template outlines the way that remote teams are managed, including teams that are working from home or in remote locations.
Parental Leave Policy Template
This parental leave HR policy template outlines parental leave, paid and unpaid, that is available to both parents in a relationship, including de-facto and same-sex couples.
Performance Improvement Policy Template
This performance improvement HR policy template outlines the process for improving performance, addressing performance discrepancies from an appraisal and for performance management.
Recruitment Policy Template
This recruitment HR policy template outlines the process for hiring employees and ensures that we are committed to equal employment opportunities. It outlines the hiring process and promotes consistency when we recruit.
Safe Driving Policy Template
This safe driving HR policy template outlines safe driving practises and planning and what you can do to get around as safely as possible when driving your own or a work vehicle.
Supportive Bystander Policy Template
This supportive bystander HR policy template outlines how bystanders can take safe action to stop bullying, harassment and discrimination against others in the workplace.
Whistleblower Policy Template
This whistleblowing HR policy template outlines a zero-tolerance for retaliation against anyone who raises concerns about potentially illegal or otherwise wrongful practices in good faith.
Workplace Violence Policy Template
This workplace violence and aggression HR policy template outlines the organisations’ commitment to maintaining a workplace that is free from violence and aggression.
Working from Home Policy Template
This working-from-home HR policy template outlines working-from-home arrangements and promotes a healthy, safe and flexible working environment.
Workplace Gender Equality Policy Template
This WGE HR policy template outlines gender equality intent, priorities and practices and promotes a workplace where women and men are equally represented, valued and rewarded.
How to use this HR policy and procedure manual template?
These HR policies can be uploaded and assigned to your staff via the Sentrient online workplace compliance system or Sentrient human resource management platform. It is best to accompany your workplace policies and procedures with legally endorsed workplace relations and safety training, such as the Sentrient online compliance courses for topics such as equal employment opportunity, internet and social media, privacy, sexual harassment, work health and safety and workplace bullying.
Get Started With A FREE Online Demonstration
of the Sentrient online workplace compliance system or Sentrient human resource management platform, please get in touch with us today!