Goal Setting and Goal Management
Online goal setting and goal management software that allows you to set goals, performance plans, learning and development pathways, competency frameworks and career pathways.
Online Goal Setting and Goal Management Software
Australia and New Zealand
The Sentrient online performance management system comes with an online goal setting and goal management software that supports your performance management process. This allows you to set goals, development plans, learning and development pathways and to help build competency and improve performance. You can configure goals to meet your requirements for one on ones, project goals, 90-day action plans, learning and development plans, career progression plans, competency development and formal performance improvement plans. It is easy to access your goals, make notes and track progress against those goals, and report on the achievement of goals real-time at the click of a button. This can be used to set a clear picture of what is required and to hold individuals and managers accountable for their actions and performance requirements. This improves clarity, helps develop capability and enable everyone to contribute to the best of their ability, resulting in improved performance, increased engagement and helps you to build a high trust organisation.
Everything you need in one platform
All in one HRIS that is simple to implement, easy to use and reliable.
Set service
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software allows you to set goals independent to or as part of the performance review process.
- Set goals
- Revise goals
- Add additional goals
- Categories goals
- Align goals to performance plans
- View goals
Manage notifications
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software allows your people to manage their goals as part of regular performance conversations.
- Set expectations
- Review performance
- Make notes against goals
- Update goals
- Provide feedback on goals
- Encourage performance conversations
Drive reporting
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software paints a clear picture of what needs to be done and by when, and helps drive individual and team performance.
- Make goals clear
- Set boundaries
- Ensure accountability
- View completion against goals
- Enable performance conversations
- Encourage people to ask for help
Who do we help?
When you partner with Sentrient you are joining a community of like-minded professionals from some of Australia’s most highly regarded organisations, all whom share a vision for creating safe, inclusive, and respectful workplaces that build trust and allow everyone to be the best they can be!
Key features of the Sentrient online goal setting and goal management system?
Set SMART Goals
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software supports your overall performance management process. It allows staff and their managers to keep their goals together in the one spot and enables ongoing conversations to be recorded against these as part of ongoing one on ones and review points. SMART Goals can be set across multiple different areas including performance plans, learning plans and career progression plans.
Build Action Plans
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software supports your overall performance management process. It allows you to build simple action plans or more detailed goals that align with longer term performance objectives. Adjustments can be made to goals, notes can be recorded, and progress tracked. This makes it really clear for staff and their managers to understand where things are, at any point in time.
Record Performance Conversations
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software supports your overall performance management process. Goal setting can be used on its own, as a starting point of your performance review, or as an action plan after you have undertaken organisation wide performance conversations. The goal setting feature allows you to build simple goals that are attainable in the short term or for more detailed, longer term projects.
Keep Notes About Your Goals
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software supports your overall performance management process. It allows staff and managers to make notes as they progressively review goals and to add further goals when they are identified, to create a flexible and dynamic approach to goal setting which encourages participation, collaboration and honest performance conversation to take place.
Goal Templates
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software supports your overall performance management process. Simple forms set up as templates can be configured and goals dropped in to meet your goal setting and goal management requirements. You can add electronic files and review other staff information in support of goal setting, such as performance reviews and 360 degree reviews that may have already been undertaken.
Aligned to Performance Review Process
The Sentrient online goal setting and goal management software supports your overall performance management process. We understand that for some organisations goal setting and goal management is the performance review process and the goal setting module allows for this. For other organisations a more structured performance review is conducted before or after goal setting, and the goal setting framework allows for that.
Why are goal setting and goal management software so important?
An effective online performance management system allows you to set and maintain standards and use goal setting and goal management to encourage brave, honest and courageous conversations to take place. This provides a powerful framework for individuals to develop and grow, and their managers to support them through this process. The goal setting and goal management system aligns with your performance management process. It helps people take part in their goal setting and to understand what is expected of them and acts as a reminder that they will be accountable for their goals. This goal setting and goal management system provides an excellent management tool to encourage ongoing performance conversations in a structured, deliberate and collaborative way.
Get Started With A FREE Online Demonstration
To get a free demonstration of the Sentrient online workplace compliance management system and incident reporting software please contact us today!