Sentrient Blog

Why Must A Regulatory Compliance Software Enable Self-Service Records Management?

Compliance is not only limited to health and safety, cybersecurity, or finance management. Workplace compliance also includes employee records management. There are standards to be followed by every business based on their industry laws when managing employee records and information. Needless to say, non-compliance in any form can lead to hefty fines and reputational damage.

Maintaining the details of every employee using a paper-based data system is overwhelming and time-consuming. Multiple exchanges of documents and information between HR personnel and employees can increase the risk of data duplication, data loss, or breach of privacy. These problems can be overcome by using automation and employee self-service records management models. Let us help you learn more.

What is Employee Self-Service?

Employee self-service is providing employees with access to their records to manage their personal and professional details. This is enabled through web-based applications where employees can add, edit, or delete their information, such as contact details, family members, bank details, training, etc. HR professionals then verify these details.

Why Must a Regulatory Compliance Software Enable Self-Service Records Management?

Effective employee record management has a significant impact on an organisation’s compliance with its Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) requirements. Having an employee self-service feature in your compliance management system helps increase awareness regarding which records are required to be maintained by law. Some other benefits of doing so include:

What does the Sentrient compliance management system help manage?

Employee records can include a wide range of information related to the personal and professional status of your employees. Sentrient’s compliance management software helps manage six types of employee records. They include:


Employee self-service records help save time and costs and lead to better management of employee data. If you haven’t already implemented an automated employee self-service system, it is time you contact Sentrient. We offer a comprehensive online workplace compliance management solution for businesses across Australia.