Sentrient Blog

6 Things To Consider When Enabling Diversity And Workplace Flexibility

As a manager, you must think about some more strategies that can help you enable diversity, inclusion, and workplace flexibility.

Implement training and development initiatives

Diversity, inclusion, and workplace flexibility training is fundamental to an inclusive workplace, and all employees should receive awareness training and education.

Training can create general awareness and reinforce its importance, focusing on topics such as eliminating unconscious bias, complying with regulations, embracing differences, and managing diverse populations. Training should also demonstrate the correct way to communicate and discuss the same within the workplace.

Ensure there is effective communication

Effective communication is a key component of building diversity and inclusion programs in your organisation.

Ways to communicate effectively include:

Recognising and celebrating inclusive events

Introduce workplace flexibility and wellbeing

Ensure the leadership group is committed

Periodically review your program

Like to learn more?

To find out more about the responsibilities of a supervisor and manager when it comes to enabling diversity and workplace flexibility in the workplace, please refer to the Sentrient series of online compliance courses for supervisors and managers.

To get a free demonstration of the supervisors’ and managers’ suite of online compliance courses, please get in touch with us today!