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Recruitment Task Management Software

Recruitment task management software that allows you to create and track tasks and notifies you when important tasks need to be performed.

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    Recruitment Task Management Software

    Australia and New Zealand

    The Sentrient online recruitment management system and task management software streamlines yet another module of recruitment workflow by allowing you to easily manage recruitment related tasks. It is a candidate-centric approach where you can assign tasks that need to be performed during the recruitment process to each candidate instance. It allows you to record and manage minute attributes related to tasks such as task priority selection, task status, additional notes, etc. Task management software also allows to assign reminders for recruitment tasks as required. Recruitment management system dashboard reflects all the tasks for enhanced tracking. Administrators can also change the status of completion of each task right from the recruitment dashboard, effectively saving time.

    Everything you need in one platform

    All in one HRIS that is simple to implement, easy to use and reliable.

    Legal Compliance Management System
    Online Compliance System

    Automating manual

    Sentrient task management software enables administrators to add and manage recruitment tasks online.

    • Create and assign new tasks online
    • Enhanced task visibility
    • Better management
    • Easy to use design
    • Powerful dashboard to track task status
    • Save time by eliminating stacks of papers
    Task management allows HR managers to add new tasks and track them through to completion online.
    Legal Compliance System

    Candidate-wise task

    Sentrient task management software allows administrators to assign important recruitment tasks to each candidate.

    • Candidate-centric approach
    • Easily assign recruitment tasks
    • Designate task priority
    • Additional notes for each task
    • Simple candidate dashboard
    • Set task reminders
    An online task management system helps perform essential recruitment tasks related to all candidates.
    Compliance System

    Real-time task

    Sentrient task management software includes real-time reminders for recruitment tasks.

    • Easy task reminder assignment
    • Candidate-based task reminders
    • View tasks on the dashboard
    • Reduced risk of overlooking tasks
    • Streamlined task management
    • Level up your recruitment process
    Never miss out on task completion which is an important part of your recruitment strategy.

    Who do we help?

    When you partner with Sentrient you are joining a community of like-minded professionals from some of Australia’s most highly regarded organisations, all whom share a vision for creating safe, inclusive, and respectful workplaces that build trust and allow everyone to be the best they can be!

    Axis Employment
    Hanwha Defense Australia
    The Big Group
    Bravo Disability Support Network

    What recruitment tasks can be managed in the Sentrient online task management software?

    Online Compliance Training & Course Builder

    Candidate information verification

    The Sentrient online task management software allows you to assign a task related to verification of information, such as police clearance, reference check, etc. to each candidate and track its status.

    Online HR Policy Templates & Policy Builder

    Conduct interview

    The Sentrient online task management software allows you to set a task for conducting interviews of candidates. You can also add reminders and define priority for all tasks.

    Online Self Service Records Management

    Skill evaluation

    The Sentrient online task management software allows you to assign the recruitment task of evaluating candidate skills by an expert in the respective fields. Powerful dashboards show the status of each task.

    Compliance Management System

    Employment verification

    The Sentrient online task management software allows you to assign tasks needed to verify important previous employment information from past employers.

    Online Incident, Breach & Whistleblower Reporting

    Miscellaneous tasks

    The Sentrient online task management software allows you to also assign other priority tasks that are important in the recruitment process such as the call for updated candidate documents, arrange video calls with team leaders, etc.

    HR Management System

    Send offer letter

    The Sentrient online task management software allows you to set a reminder for sending an offer letter to the suitable candidate after all the necessary screening and rating is done.

    Why is task management software so important?

    An effective online task management system can have a significant impact on an organisation’s ability to stay on top of its recruitment requirements. This makes it easy for employees, managers, and directors to understand what tasks need to be completed and the status of completion of those tasks at any point in time. Real-time task reminders further the recruitment process. It also empowers employees and their managers to act when tasks are coming up to expiry and help organise their completion and minimise the risk of missed recruitment opportunities or delays in the recruitment of deserving candidates. Regardless of your approach to task management, having online task management in place will provide you with a clear structure, consistent approach, and transparency of the status of all recruitment tasks across the whole organisation. This allows you to add new tasks, manage priority, and gain real-time reminders in the event of delay in task completion. Enabling online recruitment task management for your staff can create a more efficient approach to adding and updating tasks at candidate induction and on an ongoing basis thereafter. It also supports the creation of a more candidate-focused culture and a workplace in which your managers are responsible for the completion of tasks.

    Get Started With A FREE Online Demonstration

    To get a free demonstration of the Sentrient online workplace compliance management system and incident reporting software please contact us today!

    What do people say about the Sentrient online recruitment tasks management software?

    “We manage all of our recruitment tasks in Sentrient and it’s made it easy for our managers to effectively carry out important tasks on time.”

    “The task reminders make it really easy for HR managers to perform crucial recruitment tasks without fail.”

    “The recruitment dashboard gives us visibility of the status and priority of all tasks to navigate through the recruitment process better!”

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