New Compliance Course Released – Modern Slavery and Human Rights Training Course
Sentrient is proud to release the new online modern slavery course as its latest online course that forms part of a fast-growing and comprehensive suite of online workplace compliance, social safety, and awareness courses for employers with employees, contractors and volunteers who are based in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, Canada, UK, and South Africa.
Modern slavery is a global issue
The United Nations has estimated that there are more than 40 million victims of modern slavery worldwide. The nature and extent of modern slavery means that every organisation has modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chains.
Why is the modern slavery course important for Australian businesses?
On 29 November 2018, the Australian Parliament passed the Modern Slavery Act 2018. The Act established national modern slavery reporting requirements and requires large companies based or operating in Australia to report annually on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains and actions to address those risks.
What is modern slavery?
Modern slavery is a term used to describe situations of serious exploitation where coercion, threat or deception are used to exploit victims and undermine or deprive them of their freedom. Modern slavery continues to exist in present-day society, driven by exploiters who seek to generate personal and financial gain. Modern slavery applies to your organisation, your suppliers, the suppliers of your suppliers, all the way through your supply chain.
What are some common examples of the types of exploitation that is modern slavery?
Modern slavery can take many forms, and some of them are often subtle and hard to identify.
Examples of modern slavery include:
- child labour
- debt bondage
- deceptive recruiting for labour or services
- forced labour
- forced marriage
- servitude
- slavery
- trafficking in persons.
What does the Sentrient online course on human rights and modern slavery cover?
Large employers have a duty to report annually on the risks of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains and take action to address those risks. This modern slavery training helps organisations educate their staff as to what modern slavery is, where the risks might lie in their operations and supply chain, and what can be done to mitigate those risks. It also advocates that we all have a right to protect human rights and prevent modern slavery and unlawful activities associated with modern slavery and human rights.
What topics are covered in the Sentrient online work-related violence and aggression course?
This course focuses on helping people identify and report the risks of modern slavery. The topics covered in the modern slavery course are:
- What is modern slavery?
- Types of modern slavery
- Identify and report the risks of modern slavery
- Human rights and prevention of modern slavery
Why would you deliver this modern slavery and human rights training?
According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, human rights recognise the inherent value of each person, regardless of background, where we live, what we look like, what we think, or what we believe. Respect for human rights and preventing modern slavery and unlawful activities is the cornerstone of strong communities in which everyone can contribute and feel included. We should all aim to identify and report the risks of modern slavery in our organisation and contribute to supply chain transparency to ensure the protection of human rights and the prevention of modern slavery.
Like to learn more?
To find out more about the Sentrient modern slavery and human rights online course, you can visit the website page or the Sentrient main website.