Remote working models are more common now than ever and can benefit employees’ work/life balance and organisations’ costs associated with office space requirements. 

However, what about the efforts required to manage remote teams to achieve their best performance? A well-designed human resource management system can help keep remote employees motivated to engage in their work and give their all. Let’s examine how an HRMS can help employees keep up with work. 

Top Tips to Engage Remote Employees Using a HRMS

1. Use an HRMS to stay connected 

Emails, chats, phone calls, video calls, etc., are all suitable for supporting work-related communication. However, remote working does not need to be all about video calls and conferences relating to work. You can encourage your team members to use an HRMS for personalised communication, staying up to date with team members and holding online events. 

2. Promote social interaction 

Social interaction among employees helps ensure they feel they are part of the family. Just because your employees are no longer working from the office, they can still engage in team-building activities online. Virtual team-building activities are particularly helpful for new hires, helping them gel with their new team members. 

3. Small feedback can go a long way 

Cohesive employee teams value the opinions of each of their members. If your remote employees feel left out, they are less likely to engage in doing their work. Asking for feedback from every team member every time an important decision is to be made or relating to any actions on business processes can help them feel valued. Constructive use of feedback must be encouraged to enhance employee engagement. An HRMS can help businesses ask for employee feedback using surveys and other performance review features. 

4. Keep employees in the know 

Employees can only offer feedback if they know what’s happening in their organisation. News of upcoming events, procedural changes, new employees in their workplace, and everything that is going to change their work must be communicated to all employees. This is a way to ensure employees feel connected to the organisation. Announcing such news or events via an HRMS can save time on HR’s part, and every employee can see it when they log in, irrespective of their location. 

5.  Recognise and reward employee contributions 

Employee engagement can be elevated by recognising the contributions made by every employee and rewarding them accordingly. Not only does this practice motivate the highest performers to feel their efforts are valued and keep on performing better, but it also encourages others. Employees can be rewarded using online platforms so that their contributions are recognised throughout the organisation.  

6. Provide them with the tools to succeed 

Even if employees want to put in their best efforts, they will be unable to do so in the absence of the proper knowledge of how to perform their tasks. When employees feel they are not supported, they might leave the organisation and opt for a workplace that provides them with opportunities to grow. The best way to overcome this situation is to provide proper training and development opportunities for each of your employees. HRMS training modules can help employees learn and implement new skills online 

7. Adopt a flexible approach 

Each of your employees will have a different experience regarding remote working. An arrangement that works for one employee might not work for others. Therefore, managers must adopt a flexible approach to employee performance reviews during this phase. Take into consideration all factors before making any judgements. 


A human resource management system can better motivate and engage employees in their work. Sentrient’s HRMS software encompasses much more than your primary employee management requirements; it helps ensure you aim for growth. Contact us today to help you lead the way to higher success.