What Are The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The SDGs consist of 17 Goals, and the intention is to meet them by 2030. The SDGs can be identified as promoting:
Social Justice
It is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Advocates usually identify 5 principles: access to resources, equity, participation, diversity, and human rights.
Climate justice
Recognises that the impact of climate change will be felt unequally, with poor nations and poor populations within nations most negatively affected. It calls on all nations to take climate change mitigation actions and reduce the impact of global warming for everyone.
The Goals were agreed on in 2016, and 193 nations signed the Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In a recent interview with David Adamson, Group Chief Strategic Engagement Officer from Home In Place (Social housing providers) he stated:
The reasons the goals are important are because they are a global agreement which sits alongside the Paris Agreement about climate change and sets some social and climate objectives for all the countries that have signed to try and achieve the SDG’s by 2030.
They build on the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) which came before them that achieved a very significant role in reducing poverty in some of the African countries.
The SDG’s continue the poverty work but also add in the climate aspirations and sit alongside the Paris Agreement to achieve that.
Many organisations have heard of the SDGs but do not know if they are relevant to them. They also don’t really know what to do or where to go for more information.
Not all organisations can achieve all 17 SDGs however they give organisations an opportunity to frame their Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) work within a globally agreed framework.
David is passionate about and advocates for the SDGs to promote sustainable, healthy communities and good housing for all. The SDGs provide a framework to work within to achieve this.
David approached Sentrient, an Australian workplace compliance company, to discuss the development of an online introductory module that introduces the SDGs, what they look like, and how an organisation can think about them and link to them.
Sentrient agreed to work together with David to create this 15-minute online introductory module, as Sentrient could see the value of having this available to their client base.
The module content was written by Home in Place and developed by Sentrient. This course is now available online as a free demonstration at the following sites: