Risks related to manual handling tasks are not just present in factories and warehouses. Offices also may include activities that require careful monitoring for manual handling tasks. Manual handling training is the tool that helps businesses monitor, eliminate or reduce the risks to health and safety due to hazards.

If you are looking for a manual handling training program to be deployed in your organisation, we can help you consider a few important factors before making your final decision.

What is manual handling training?

Manual handling training is aimed at educating any employees engaged in any form of manual handling at their workplace on how to perform their tasks without risk to the health and safety of themselves or others at work. It also instructs them what to do in case of any workplace incidents.

Why is manual handling training important?

Manual handling training should be provided to reduce the risks associated with manual handling activities in workplaces. It helps educate employees and their supervisors on how to perform their jobs efficiently and utilise available processes, aids or technology to make their tasks safer.

Things you should know before selecting a manual handling course for your workplace

Considering the following factors regarding a manual handling course can help you make an informed decision.

What topics are covered by the course?

The first step is to get into the details of the available course options. Thoroughly discuss the content of the course with the vendor and find out if it contains topics that match your business requirements. A carefully crafted training course might begin with introducing terminologies related to manual handling and go on to explain them all in detail along with regulations and other important guidelines around reporting incidents or hazards/risks.

Is it relevant to your organisation?

Make sure the course contains knowledge that is relevant to your organisation and the type of work your organisation is related to. Also, the content of the course must be updated to include the latest information as per changing WHS rules and regulations.

Does it help maintain compliance?

By learning about the applicable regulations and guidelines, employees are made aware of the standards of work to be achieved. The course must also provide an option to measure the learner performance and other quantitative data. As an employer, you may be required to show evidence of the actions you have taken to guide employees about proper manual handling processes for their jobs. The data collected from the online manual handling course reports can help you be audit-ready.

How do I roll it out in my workplace?

The course you select must also be compatible with the current technology being used in your workplace. Some courses are online and require only a computer system with minimum specifications and a running internet connection. Some courses might require high-end software to run. Choose a course that suits your technology requirements.

Is it scalable?

If you plan to increase your workforce in the near future, it is better first to discuss the scalability of the course to add new learners. Vendors may or may not provide this option. This will help you understand the available options and plan the rollout of the course.

What is the cost?

Manual Handling training is important. However, you must consider your budget. The investment you as an employer are about to make must also provide equal returns. Select the option that fits your budget.

Does the vendor offer after-sale maintenance?

Consider what support you may need after deploying the course in your workplace. This may require technical assistance from the vendor. Ensure that they provide such an option and that they will be there to attend to any issues after sales.


Employers should provide their workforce with manual handling training to encourage safe practices at the workplace. Sentrient has developed an online manual handling training course to help learners gain knowledge easily. If you are an employer looking for the best online learning tool to provide to your employees, contact us today.