Sentrient is proud to release the new online working alone course as its latest online course that forms part of a fast-growing and comprehensive suite of online workplace compliance, social safety, and awareness courses for employers with employees, contractors and volunteers who are based in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, Canada, UK, and South Africa.
Why is the working alone course important?
Lone workers are presented with a different level of risk because they may not be able to get support or immediate assistance from others. WorkSafe authorities report that exposure to violence and poor access to emergency assistance are the two main hazards of working alone.
What are some common examples of working alone?
Common examples of working alone include but are not limited to:
- aged care workers undertaking a sleepover shift at a refuge or residential unit
- all-night convenience store and service station attendants
- cleaners working by themselves in an office building or warehouse facility
- community support workers visiting clients in their homes or undertaking outreach services in the community
- doctors, health and community workers in duty or interview rooms on-site or when caring for clients off-site
- mining and construction workers who work in isolation and in remote locations
- rural and agricultural workers
- sales representatives, including real estate agents and finance brokers
- scientists, park range or others undertaking fieldwork
- staff attending conferences and external events
- transport freight and public transport drivers
- volunteers running a professional development or industry event
What does the Sentrient online course on working alone cover?
The Sentrient online course for working alone is all about helping employers educate and raise awareness for their employees, contractors, and volunteers on how to identify and control the risks associated with working alone. It further reinforces the importance that every person has a responsibility to contribute to a safe workplace when working alone, regardless of whether they are at their regular place of work, at home, off-site, or remote work location.
What topics are covered in the Sentrient online working alone course?
This course focuses on helping people identify, report and resolve incidents that present a risk to their own or others’ health and safety. The topics covered in the working alone online course are:
- What is working alone?
- Different levels of risks that a lone worker faces
- How to control the risks of working alone
- Identify, report and resolve incidents when working alone
- Contributing to a safe workplace when working alone
Why would you deliver this training at your workplace?
Working alone is a part of almost all workplaces, particularly with the growing trends towards remote workforces who are working at home or in off-site locations. Recent WorkSafe audits have focused on stamping out occupational violence and aggression in the workplace, and lone workers are the most at risk of such violence. Furthermore, with the severity of workplace injury increasing dramatically for lone workers, this is a continuing area of WorkSafe audits and can sometimes be a hidden risk to employers because of its connection with the broader workplace relations and safety obligations of Directors and Executives regardless of the size or industry that your business operates in.
Like to learn more?
To find out more about the Sentrient working alone course, you can visit the website page for our working alone course or the Sentrient main website.
Other courses that may be of interest to your organsiation?
The working alone training is part of the Sentrient online workplace compliance training. Other Sentrient courses you may be interested in include COVID-19 safety at work, equal employment opportunity, health and wellbeing, occupational violence and aggression, sexual harassment, work health and safety, working from home, and workplace bullying.
To get a free demonstration of the working alone online course, please get in touch with us today!