Three months ago, no one knew anything about Coronavirus, and right now the virus has reached almost every country on the planet with more than 400,000 active cases.

Amidst these challenging times as a result of COVID-19, only knowledge can give us peace. Being aware of the things that we can do now that are under our control and the things that are not can help us stay calm and be proactive.

Not to sound too gloomy, but even though the process of vaccination is going on at a groundbreaking speed, we still do not have any vaccine yet, and it could be several months away. So at this stage, the only effective way to control the spread of the infection is through effective prevention measures with the right kind of knowledge and awareness.

Knowing what we can do to prevent and control this pandemic while being mentally stable and effective at the workplace not only prevents the spread of COVID-19 but also the fear and anxiety related to it.

To help people transition to working from home environment, Sentrient has created an open series of courses for business and their workforce, at no cost. The idea of this series of work is to provide a good understanding of infection prevention and control, provide awareness by way of tips and traps for working from home, and finally to remind people of the importance of health and wellbeing during times like this, as well as some useful ways to deal with stress and anxiety.

39,875 people from 279 different and 17 countries completed these courses within the first few days of release.

These courses take no more than 15 minutes to complete and are designed in accordance with the COVID-19 coronavirus situation. Sentrient aims to create awareness for as many people as we can while removing the constraints of having to have online learning systems or pay on a cost/user basis. Sentrient believes that it is one small way to contribute to the community and to help people keep themselves safe, maintain a productive lifestyle while being quarantined and how they can work from home effectively with a positive attitude.

Here are the new online courses that we have added to our open library for the public.

1. Infection prevention and control course

Infection Prevention and Control Online Training Course

This online awareness course covers exhaustive infection, prevention and control measures during a viral outbreak that can help employees, contractors and volunteers.

This course will help these people understand basic hygiene and how to prevent and control the spread of infection in the workplace. In this course, you will learn the following:

  • infection prevention and control in the workplace,
  • standard precautions of infection control,
  • common infections and modes of transmission,
  • how to identify and report situations that pose a risk for infection to control the spread of infection.

2. Working from home course

Working From Home Course

Businesses have had to adopt work from home during such times. To ensure that the business doesn’t take a toll even further, employees should be taken care of as a priority. This course helps all employees to know how they can help their employees during the transition from office to work from home.

It will also help employees, contractors and volunteers who are preparing to work from home for the first time or who already work from home as part of their regular working week. In this course, you will learn:

  • practical ways to ensure health and safety,
  • common mistakes people make while working from home
  • how to effectively communicate with the team
  • health and safety concerns of employees working from home
  • productivity and a positive mindset when working from home.

3. Employee health and wellbeing course

Employee Health And Wellbeing Course

This course also focuses on the well-being of the employee but precisely on their mental health and general well-being.

This online awareness course on health and wellbeing will help employees, contractors, and volunteers lead healthy lives for themselves while promoting a healthy workplace culture, amongst others, while working on-site, remotely, or from home.

In this course, you will learn the following:

  • measures to maintain health and wellbeing
  • practical ways to deal with stress and anxiety
  • and the importance of everyone playing a part in promoting wellbeing in the workplace

Times are hard, but they are only going to be temporary; this is not the end of society or civilization.

Stay hopeful. Stay in. Stay safe.

To find out more about these publicly available courses, please visit this link.

For media enquiries, contact us at or 1300 040 589 and ask for Gavin, Managing Director of Sentrient.