At Sentrient, we believe that Australian businesses should do the right thing, not just because it is required by law, but because you want to treat others the way you want to be treated. As a workplace compliance system provider, we are very grateful to have a following of hundreds of companies over the past few years, all of whom are investing in our services to do the right thing whilst understanding that they are also required to undertake such training and policy requirements by law. But it always starts with a motivation to do the right thing, and that is what makes all the difference!

This blog is about answering the question of what a compliance management system is.

Let us answer that question by briefly explaining the main functionalities and core benefits of the Sentrient Online Workplace Compliance System.

What do we do? | Core Functionalities

The Sentrient online workplace compliance system helps you, as an employer, to fulfil your legal and ethical obligations of training your employees on the right code of conduct along with the right approach to deal with cases of non-compliance and rogue behaviour in the workplace through comprehensive e-learning workplace compliance courses.

Why do we do it? | Core Values

We want to help employers create a safe place for their employees where they feel supported and that they belong. Along with that, we also want to save employers from claims of vicarious liability. Vicarious Liability – A word much dreaded in the corporate space, it refers to the liability of the Directors of a company if they have failed to take all reasonable steps when it comes to compliance training and policy management in the event of a claim being made around things like bullying, harassment and discrimination.

What is vicarious liability?

Simply put, Vicarious liability means that an employer(s) is held responsible for the employee(s) actions. An employer will generally be vicariously liable for misconduct committed by the employee(s) in the course of employment in the workplace.

What is the solution?

Vicarious Liability can cause businesses to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and damages before considering the hidden costs of time lost in mediation and the effect such claims have on the engagement of your staff. As per the law, you are liable to compensate for the inappropriate behaviour displayed by your employee to any other of your employees in your workplace.

This is because you are legally obliged to give your employees adequate workplace compliance training as soon as they step foot in your organisation. Failure to do so makes you reliable equally, if not completely, by the law.

You can read more about it here.

How do we strive to be the best for your business?

The Sentrient online learning and compliance system includes legally endorsed workplace compliance courses, a workplace policy builder, and the ability to manage and maintain all of your compliance records in one spot.

1. We take the pain out of compliance

We have identified the need for a workplace compliance management system that provides compliance training that is easy to understand, informative, up-to-date with laws and regulations and, more necessarily, quick and relatable to your staff. Our efforts are aligned with the same need.

We’ve kept the courses concise, they take just 15-20 minutes to complete, including appropriate image selection, progressive checks for understanding and conversation-based case studies for increased user engagement. Their super-easy language and design make it easy to understand for first-time users and a breath of fresh air for those staff and organisations that have consumed online compliance courses from traditional vendors.

2. Designing with excellent intellectual resources

When it comes to curating the workplace compliance courses and the quality and exclusivity of the same, we have left no stone unturned. We have a team of experts who have a laser focus on all of the following aspects of the courses:

  • User Experience
    • Instructional Design
    • Organisational Psychology
  • Digital Design
    • Language and Tone
    • Human Resource Policies
  • Legal endorsement
    • Adult Learning
    • First Time Users of Online Courses

3. Tracking the workplace compliance journey

Deploying our Learning Management System will allow you to keep track of where your employees are in the completion of courses. On completion, all records are kept within the online environment for Users, Managers and Administrators alike, as well as printable certificates that work as proof when it comes to any issues regarding workplace non-compliance and general misconduct.

4. Increasing productivity

You keep your employees happy, and they will keep your customers happy. The message you send to your team by deploying the Sentrient online workplace compliance system is one that we take professional conduct seriously, and when you come to work, you are in safe hands.

Our online learning program helps your staff understand their rights and the appropriate actions to take in the event of misconduct in the workplace. Ultimately increasing engagement and decreasing unnecessary turnover.

5. Reducing the risk of claims for legal liability

Your employees will be certified with the completion of each course. That demonstrates that you have fulfilled your obligation in successfully training them in compliance courses, and they shall be held responsible for their actions.

Our compliance management system allows you also to roll out your workplace policies and store any other related compliance records, all with automated reminders for expiry and re-enrolment requirements, to ensure that you stay on the right side of the law when it comes to training, policy management and reporting of high-risk areas across your business.

6. Serving across Organisations

Our clients range from businesses that have between 5 and up to 5,000 employees, contractors and volunteers. One thing that is common across all organisations is that they have engaged us to help them do the right thing. Completion rates at 87% within 30 days and client retention at 98.7% suggest that things are working well. Yet we are always striving to improve our system and the content we provide to our growing team of clients, partners and others within Australia and across the globe.

7. Creating bespoke courses and policies

Our system allows you to be agile. You can create your compliance policies, store them all in one place, and roll them out to your employees. You can also create interactive e-learning compliance courses according to your business needs.

8. Additional features to note

Some of the other key features of Sentrient include:

  1. Deployable within minutes
  2. The compliance system is accessible 24×7
  3. Accessible and functional across multiple devices and browsers
  4. Completions with day/date/time stamp and certificates for validation
  5. Inbuilt report templates for audit purposes.
  6. Customisable: You can add your colour, logo and theme to the system
  7. Manage compliance records such as certifications, licenses, memberships, government checks, face-to-face learning, and other reports such as performance reviews and incident reports all in one spot.
  8. Get real-time reporting and automated reminder notifications
  9. Track the progress of employees for the whole of the employee life cycle
  10. Super engaging and easy to digest adult learning content

Keep your workplace safe by implementing the Sentrient workplace compliance system. For a free demo, reach out to us at or call us at 1300 040 589.