Certified Psychological Health And Safety Training
Psychological Health And Safety Training: A Powerful Tool For Creating Inclusive And Diverse Teams
Creating a diverse and inclusive team is essential for a company’s success. A team with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives can bring innovative ideas and solutions to the table. However, achieving a diverse and inclusive team is not an easy task. It requires continuous effort, commitment, and resources from everyone in the company, from the […]
The Importance Of Psychological Health and Safety Training For New Employees
As a manager, one of your main goals is to create a positive work environment for your employees. One way to do this is by providing psychological health and safety training for new employees. Psychological health and safety is defined as the belief that you can take interpersonal risks without fear of negative consequences. In […]
A New Compliance Course Released: An Online Psychological Health and Safety Training Course
To ensure that workers feel safe and comfortable sharing their views, ideas, and problems without fear of punishment or criticism, it is essential to establish psychological health and safety in the workplace. Sentrient has introduced a new online psychological health and safety training course that enables employees, consultants, and volunteers how to recognise and manage […]