Workplace Culture
Discover strategies for building a positive workplace culture. Explore resources on employee engagement, diversity, and creating a collaborative, productive work environment.
12 Common Types Of Discrimination In The Workplace
Discrimination in the workplace can take many forms and can have a serious impact on the individuals who experience it, as well as on the overall culture of an organisation. Here are 12 common types of discrimination that can occur in the workplace: Age discrimination: Treating someone unfavourably because of their age. This can include […]
5 Things Leaders Need To Do To Help The Success Of Remote Teams
The coronavirus pandemic has forced everyone to make a hurried and drastic transition to the way they work. Everyone has taken work from home differently. Some have seen it as a respite; for others, it has created even greater demands, whilst many continue to adjust gradually. Having said that, leaders are the people who can […]
3 Changes Likely to Occur in Post-Corona Workplaces
It was the great fire in London that gave rise to standardised firefighting for the rest of the world. The black plague medicalised the hospitals; before the plague, hospitals focused on hospitality by providing food and accommodation like motels and hotels and not enough medical treatment. In the same way, the pandemic COVID – 19 […]
5 Tips For Managers To Manage Remote Teams Effectively
COVID-19 might have brought about a drastic digital transformation in the way businesses work and function. These days, needless to say, all businesses have taken a respite in working from home if the nature of the business allows. Businesses that already had work from home facilities are finding it easier to transition than the ones […]
Strictly Follow These 6 Steps To Prevent COVID 19 Infection
Coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, spreads quickly as its transmission from human to human happens quickly. This virus stays on surfaces from hours to several days, depending on the type of surface and the temperature and humidity of the environment. It is possible that a person can get the coronavirus by touching such infected surface or […]
Work From Home Tips For Parents During COVID 19
Employees who have kids and have full-time jobs are accustomed to managing the day-to-day challenges of dual responsibilities of working parents and employees. Coordinating between childcare with schools, kids’ activities, managing meals, and household chores along with meeting deadlines, work stress, and managing long working hours is something they have become good at – painfully! […]
Free Courses To Help People Handle The COVID-19 Coronavirus Epidemic Better
Three months ago, no one knew anything about Coronavirus, and right now the virus has reached almost every country on the planet with more than 400,000 active cases. Amidst these challenging times as a result of COVID-19, only knowledge can give us peace. Being aware of the things that we can do now that are […]
Tips To Work From Home Effectively Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak
The official numbers, according to, of positive Coronavirus cases are as follows: As of 6.30 am on 18 March 2020, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia is 454. Coronavirus is a global concern and has to be dealt with diligently with utmost priority. Even though there is no vaccine available for […]
5 Steps to Create a Workplace that is Free from Bullying and Harassment
Workplace bullying is one of the most time-consuming and complex issues to resolve in any workplace. There is often mixed opinion on what is bullying and what is not bullying, and it can occur from the top down or the bottom up. Those who have been involved in HR for some time and have had […]
Which Coffee Will You Be Drinking in The New FY?
I know, I know…. Just another A or B post on LinkedIn….. Can’t you be a little bit more creative? And….. Like most things we face in business and our personal lives, there is no right or wrong answer….. But if you had to pick….. What would it be? In this case, it is not […]