What Are Examples Of Psychological Abuse In The Workplace
Psychological Health And Safety

What Are Examples Of Psychological Abuse In The Workplace

March 20th , 2024

Psychological abuse in the workplace can take many forms, and it can have a detrimental impact on an employee’s mental health and overall well-being. Some examples of psychological abuse in the workplace include:  Verbal abuse: This includes name-calling, belittling, or degrading an employee in front of others.  Intimidation: This includes threats of physical harm, job […]

What Is Psychological Abuse In The Workplace?
Psychological Health And Safety

What Is Psychological Abuse In The Workplace?

January 29th , 2024

Psychological abuse in the workplace, also known as emotional abuse or mental abuse, refers to the use of non-physical means to control, intimidate, or manipulate an employee. It can take many forms, including verbal or written communication, gestures, or other forms of behaviour.  Examples of psychological abuse in the workplace include:  Constant criticism or belittling […]