Types of Modern Slavery

Why Is Modern Slavery Training A Must For Your Organisation
Modern slavery is a violation of human rights. It can be found throughout all economies and includes all situations where human freedom is exploited using coercion, threats, or deception. Anti-slavery laws and government organisations provide guidelines on how to identify and prevent this practice or behaviour. Despite its persistence, many businesses still fail to recognise […]

The Benefits Of Modern Slavery Training
Modern slavery is the behaviour or practice of using threats, coercion, or deception to exploit people and their freedom. It can happen to people of all ages, usually belonging to socially or financially deprived communities, and prevails in major economies around the world. Examples of modern slavery include child labour, debt bondage, human trafficking, forced […]

What Are The Various Types of Modern Slavery That Your Employees Need To Be Safeguarded Against
The presence of modern slavery in various industries reveals the flaws in our social structure and norms. Every person deserves to be treated respectfully and fairly. But social evils such as modern slavery reduce some humans to merely being used as a source of labour. These practices hinder social and economic progress and take our […]