The Benefits Of Modern Slavery Training
Modern Slavery

The Benefits Of Modern Slavery Training

December 29th , 2022

Modern slavery is the behaviour or practice of using threats, coercion, or deception to exploit people and their freedom. It can happen to people of all ages, usually belonging to socially or financially deprived communities, and prevails in major economies around the world. Examples of modern slavery include child labour, debt bondage, human trafficking, forced […]

7 Ways We Can Stop Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery

7 Ways We Can Stop Modern Slavery

December 22nd , 2022

Modern slavery currently deprives nearly 40 million people of their fundamental human rights and undermines their freedom. While anti-slavery organisations fight against the various forms of exploitation, their efforts still fall short when compared to the extent to which this problem prevails. Modern slavery cripples the world economy and human lives. If not dealt with […]